
Where many people have gone before.

Last month there were plenty of Star Trek fans celebrating the show’s 50th anniversary at Comic Con, but this weekend is all about Creation Ent.’s Star Trek convention in Las Vegas. Costumes, cookie decorating contests, cakes made to represent all the iterations of Star Trek and dozens of cast member guests are descending upon The Rio Hotel and Convention Center this weekend to celebrate one of the most iconic television shows of all time.

The entire Rio hotel had bottles of Shmaltz Beer’s Trouble With Tribble’s Golden Anniversary Ale and MAC cosmetics was giving makeovers with their new Star Trek 50 limited edition makeup line that comes out on the actual day of the anniversary. With a tribute to Leonard Nimoy (the original Spock) by his son Adam Nimoy, featuring clips from his upcoming documentary “For Love of Spock,” and a memorial for Anton Yelchin (Chekov in the new movies), there was a somber note to all of the festivities but a hope still glimmered in attendees eyes. We checked in with some of the many enthusiastic fans at day one of the con.


Mike; Andrew, 21; Sarah, 18; Gene, 51

Why did you pick your costume? Mike: Nero because it was easy to dress without any hair.
Andrew: Captain Archer because he’s my favorite character.
Sarah: Martha Landon just because.
Gene: Ruth because she’s captain Kirk’s first love.
Who are each of your favorite Characters? Mike: Kirk
Andrew: Archer.
Sarah: Do tribbles count?
Gene: Spock.
How many years have you been coming to conventions? Mike: This is our second time.
Gene: We came five years ago for [Andrew’s] 16th birthday and we’re back five years later for his 21st.
What’s your favorite iteration of Star Trek? Mike: The Original.
Andrew: Enterprise.
Sarah: Original.
Gene: Original
What’s your favorite part about coming to the convention? Mike: Meeting all the wonderful people here.
Andrew: Seeing everything in costume is kind of fun.
Sarah: I like the vendors.
Gene: Doing something different as a family.
What’s the coolest thing you’ve seen at a convention? Mike: Seeing Leonard Nimoy last time we were here was really cool.
Sarah: Just seeing the actors up close is pretty cool.
Gene: When we went five years ago [Mike] made it to the costume finals and that was really cool.
What was he dressed as? Gene: Same costume. 


Jade, 26; Katie, 26; Tinisha, 25

When was the first time you saw Star Trek? Tinisha: I watched the first [JJ Abrams] movie when it first came out.
Katie: I first started watching as a kid with my parents.
Jade: I would say the same thing.
What’s your favorite iteration of Star Trek? Katie: For a while it was Deep Space 9, but now it’s Voyager shifting to TNG (The Next Generation).
Jade: Interesting. Mine is Deep Space 9.
Tinisha: I like the new movies, but I”m interested in exploring the universe.
Who’s your favorite character? Tinisha: Spock.
Katie: Warf
Jade: Kira (from Deep Space 9).
How many conventions have you been to? Tinisha: This is my first one!!!
Katie: Hold on I have to count. This my fifth one.
Jade: This my third one. Third Star Trek one.
What’s the coolest thing that you’ve ever seen at a Star Trek convention? Tinisha: It’s all the adults in costume.
Katie: I like seeing all the panels. But there was an almost legit Borg guy here, and I’m looking forward to seeing if he comes.
Jade: I think his name is Eric Allen Hall. He’s on the facebook groups which is the only reason I know. But I would say that the costumes are by far the best.
What’s your favorite part about coming? Tinisha: Meeting fellow nerds.
Katie: Meeting new people who have similar interests.
Jade: I would say the same thing and the costumes.
Any version of Star Trek you don’t really like? Jade: I love them all.
Katie: I’m not really a big fan of…
Jade & Katie: Enterprise. 


Phil, 32

What made you dress as Khan today? Khan has always been my favorite villain of all of the Star Treks. It seemed like it would probably be a pretty easy costume to make, which is not true as it turns out. Because it’s supposed to be made of ‘70s garbage. He’s wearing a crummy old couch and some accessories, but it turns out it was really fun to make.
What’s your favorite character? You know. I’ve got to say Q. I just love John de Lancie so much. That sort of smug arrogance. It’s sort of a theme I guess.
What was your favorite iteration of Star Trek? TNG.
When was the first time you saw Star Trek? With my dad when I was like nine. It was great.
Is there any iteration you don’t like? I tried watching the original series after watching all the other ones and I just can’t get into it that much. Maybe I just missed the boat on that one.
How many conventions have you been to? This is my first Star Trek convention.
What’s your favorite part so far? The Las Vegas part.
What’s the coolest thing you’ve seen? There are some incredible costumes here. Really some amazing work.


Rose, 62

When was the first time you saw Star Trek? When it first came on the air. The very first episode.
How long have you been coming to conventions? About 15 years. Maybe longer.
What’s your favorite iteration of Star Trek? Next Generation.
Who’s your favorite Star Trek character? Captain Picard.
What’s your favorite thing about coming to conventions?I think it’s the people. I happen to do a lot of diplomatic work. I’m an international law attorney and my husband actually is a rocket scientist, a real one. I don’t like the apocalyptic future that is show in so many shows. I like the future that The Federation portrays, one of hope and improvement and humanity being a version of its best self.
What’s the coolest thing you’ve seen at a convention? Actually somebody I was sitting next to at the last convention. We were talking and it turns out he owns 47 television stations. So I’ve found that there’s a lot of us here who are in a high pressure job and it’s a way to take time to dream.
Are there any iterations of Star Trek you’re not as big a fan of? Voyager.



When was the first time you watched Star Trek? I was 10 years old.
How many years have you been coming to conventions? This is my seventh year.
And why did you decide to dress as Seven of Nine? Because I really like the character. I really like the costume. It’s a lot of fun.
Who’s your favorite Star Trek character? Dr. McKoy
What’s your favorite part about coming to conventions? I really like the costumes part, but I also really like seeing my friends. Because when you come year after year you get to know people. So a year later seeing them is just awesome.
What’s the coolest thing that you’ve ever seen at a convention? I really don’t know. I kind of feel like The Borg alcove replica that they’ve got going on.
What’s your favorite iteration of Star Trek? Probably TOS (The Original Series).
Is there one that you’re not a fan of? I haven’t seen any of Enterprise yet. I’m trying to watch DS9 (Deep Space Nine) and I’m kind of Ehh about it, but I’m trying to watch it anyway. I hear it gets better.


Kelsey and Elizabeth, 26

What are you dressed as? We’re wearing uniforms from “Mirror Mirror” in The Original Series.
Why did you choose the costumes? They were cute, fun and from The Original series.
When did you first watch Star Trek? We grew up with our dad watching them, and didn’t really get it, but we would see him watching all of the different ones. We really got into it eight or nine years ago.
How many conventions have you been to? This is our seventh Las Vegas convention but our 10th or 11th overall.
What’s your favorite iteration of Star Trek? Next Generation and Original. The Original Series because Captain Kirk is cute.
Is Kirk your favorite character? Bones as Karl Urban. Captain Kirk from the Original. Malcom Reed.
What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever seen at a convention? Karl Urban, Dominic [Keating], and Connor [Trinneer].


Kelly, 24

When was the first time you watched Star Trek? According to home video evidence two.
What’s your favorite iteration of Star Trek? Arguably The Next Generation, but I can’t say that I love any of them any less because I love them all for different reasons.
Are there any that you’re not too hot on? I’d say there are some of the fan films that sometimes go places that I don’t think Star Trek would normally go. Just as far as being a bit too risque or too extreme, but I can’t fault them for wanting to push the boundaries of the universe. So I think they all have their values. But there are some that I am less fond of than others.
Who is your favorite character? I would have to say Captain Picard. I can’t help it.
How many conventions have you been to? Three, this is my third year at Star Trek Vegas.
What’s the coolest thing that you’ve ever seen at a convention? I think I’m going to say something that I haven’t seen yet, because it’s happening this afternoon, but seeing the memorial for Leonard Nimoy. But also seeing the memorial poster for Anton Yelchin this year and being able to sign it. To be a part of that knowing it’s going to be sent to his family was pretty amazing.
What’s your favorite part about coming to conventions? Being around Trekies for a week. It’s just delightful. It’s a time when you can suspend reality and just have fun and not have to worry about who’s watching because they’re all the same people dressing the same as you.
Why did you dress as Kirk from the new films? Part of the attraction of it is that it’s my generation’s version. It’s the one that we get to say, “Oh that came out when I was alive.” Because there’s so much in Star Trek lore that there’s a pride of being around when something comes out. So it was really nice to have this new series to represent my generation. I want to see more of it and I want to see Star Trek continue and invest in the future.


Brian, 36

When was the first time you saw Star Trek? When I was 10 years old so probably around Next Generation? Star Trek 5? Something Like that?
What’s your favorite iteration of Star Trek? Next Generation! Forever!
Any iteration you’re not a fan of? This is sacrilegious. I do not like Deep Space 9. At all.
Who’s your favorite Star Trek character? Worf.
How many years have you been coming to the convention? This is my third year coming to this convention. But I used to do smaller conventions in Pittsburgh back in the ‘90s.
What’s the coolest thing you’ve seen at a convention? The set pieces here are great. The transporter and the city on the edge of forever. The Borg simulation.
What’s your favorite part of coming to a convention? The people really. You can see the same Q&A a million times, but you come to see the people you meet at the conventions. I don’t know these people in the real world, but I know them here. Going to the masquerade bar after hours.


Teale-Phelps, 30

How many years have you been coming to the convention? This is our first year in Vegas. The only other convention that I’ve done is Destination Star Trek in London a few years back.
When was the first time you saw Star Trek? I think I saw the last episode of the original series live, I wanna say, but I’m probably wrong because I may be too young for that. I don’t remember.
What’s your favorite iteration of Star Trek? I’m a Deep Space 9 guy.
Who’s your favorite character? I like conceptually the Tal Shiar as a unit, as an entity. We’ve discussed our favorite characters and that’s hard today. But today I’m dressed as a space craft. So I’m gonna go with the shuttle craft for whimsy.
What kind of craft is this? This is the original series Galileo craft. With official landing light and attached to an amazing guy.
Any iteration you don’t like? There are some movies I haven’t watched. Our house is more of a television household.
What’s the coolest thing you’ve seen at a convention? Hanging out with the whole cast while we were in London. Some of the costumes are amazing. I met a woman who had spent 12 hours painting herself with latex to make a full borg outfit. And I love coming because everyone shares something in common. I was surprised how international this con is. We’ve met people from New Zealand. From Japan. We met a couple from Japan who had been coming for 16 years. So supposedly it’s quite good. The fact that everyone shares something in common is fantastic.


Asimov Mueller

How long has he been attending cons? Seven years attending Cons.
When did he first watch Star Trek? When I was three years old.
What’s his favorite version of the show? Voyager.
Favorite character? Tuvok because he knows Tim Russ.
Favorite part about coming to fests? Meeting some of the celebrities’ dogs.


Jody, 58

When was the first time you saw Star Trek? Probably on its premiere night.
How many years have you been coming to conventions? This is my first year at this convention.
What other conventions have you been to? Mostly body building.
What’s your favorite part about coming to the convention? I like being able to buy items I wouldn’t be able to get online. I found some handcrafted things that I’ve purchased. I love seeing all the cast from every series that will be here. I’m really excited about seeing the ones from Voyager. Happens to be my favorite...It would have to be between Voyager and the original [for my favorite] because who wouldn’t love Captain Kirk.
Who is your favorite character? As a kid I grew up with a crush on Captain Kirk. Character wise I absolutely love The Borg and I love the Klingons. So kind of the bad guys of the universe, I like that.
What’s the coolest thing you’ve seen so far? The interview with [Adam] Nimoy.

Jude, 3

Do you come to the Star Trek convention every year? Second year.
First time watching Star Trek? I saw the new movie and the enterprise got blown up. Yeah the new one.
What’s your favorite Star Trek movie or tv show? Ninja Turtles (he has some Star Wars Ninja Turtle action figures).
Who’s your favorite character? Uhhh. Kirk.
Do you like coming to the convention? Yes.
What’s you favorite part? The drone. (He saw a flying Enterprise).
Where did you get your Spock hat? From dad. (His dad went to the premiere and got it there).

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  2. val_sklarov
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